[vox] Linux for 880 Mhz computers ?

Marianne Waage yamara at plush.org
Wed Nov 14 16:50:16 PST 2007

Hi Chris,

My laptop is a P3 800, with 256MB RAM and a 30 gig disk. I've run
Debian on it since I bought it, and it's reasonably snappy, for what
I use it for.

I mostly run Firefox, SSH and Gnumeric, using (I believe) Sawfish
or Metacity and GNOME.


Chris Horsting wrote:
> Hi,
> I am replacing my mom computer with a new one. So, I want to put a light
> weight Linux distribution on the old computer and ship it to some of my
> relatives in Brazil.  I was thinking of installing Ubuntu 6.06 and then
> changing the language setting to Protegees.  The computer is a Dell
> Dimensions L series with 880 Mhz, 128 MB Ram, and 20G hard drive.  Also,
> the operating system is Windows Millennium.  Can some recommend a
> different distribution for a old computer?
> Thanks
> Chris Horsting

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