[vox] Extremely low meeting attendance!

Gandalf Parker gandalf at any1can.net
Wed Mar 28 18:24:08 PDT 2007

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
> meetings.  Perhaps, also, attendance is partly related to big improvements in 
> Linux distributions.  Now just about anybody can get Linux running without 
> help from a local group.

I could chime in quite abit also. I was a 4 term president of the Solano 
PC Users Group when it died. I also see some of the same trends in online 

There is a long term correlation (believe me, there have been studies) 
between support groups and good documentation. Its unfortunate that one of 
the prime purposes of a support group is to provide good documentation 
which causes its own demise.

Its hard to find things for a user group that cant be gotten easier 
online. Specific walk-thru help comes to mind.

Gandalf  Parker

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