[vox] Dell asks: What Linux do you want?

Christopher James McKenzie mckenzie at cs.ucdavis.edu
Wed Mar 14 10:55:15 PDT 2007

Replies below:

Bill Kendrick wrote:
> What flavor Linux do Dell users want?
> http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS2808195252.html
> Mar. 13, 2007, DesktopLinux.com
>   "In a new survey launched yesterday, Dell is asking its customers
>   exactly what they want from a Linux desktop. Why? Because, it appears,
>   they're going to make one."
>   ...

I am curious as to what sort of limitations Dell would put on the 
installation with regard to the warranty and support.

> Direct link to the survey:
>   "Listening Linux Learnings: We're Listening"
>   http://www.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/corp/linux?s=corp
> Alienware has a survey about Linux on their systems, too.  A trend? :^)
>   http://www.alienware.com/Surveys/AlienSurvey.aspx?Id=29607129825

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