[vox] linux recommendation

Till Stegers stegers at cs.ucdavis.edu
Sat Mar 3 15:39:06 PST 2007

> As far as the actual installation - I'd go with Ubuntu
> (never tried Kubuntu because I haven't used KDE since
> Rehat 7.3) - it's easy to install and will pick up
> most of the funky hardware out there.  The only
> downside to Ubuntu (that I know of - I haven't played
> with it extensively) is the whole you need to use sudo
> for everything an admin wants to do (you in this case)
> because there is no root account by default. You have
> to set one up if you want one, which is supposedly not
> that big a deal.

The root account is set up, you just need to set the password, which is
trivial using 'sudo passwd'. If you use the GUI to do administration, it
will pop up a dialog asking for the user password (using gksudo).

I've had good experiences with Ubuntu on my laptop over the past 1.5
years. I can't comment on Kubuntu. One thing is that, like all major
distros (?), it doesn't play non-free formats (like MP3, real audio,
...) out of the box.



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