[vox] Windows? FEH!

Wes Hardaker wjhns156 at hardakers.net
Tue Jun 12 06:56:44 PDT 2007

>>>>> "BK" == Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> writes:

BK> * MP3 playback in Amarok.  (I even installed MP3 Xine stuff...?)

You likely need the non-free packages for that...  Most distributions
no longer ship mp3 support out of the box because they can't legally.
Fedora, for example, has 3rd party rpm repositories that have the
needed plugins to enable it.  I don't know about Kubuntu though (sorry).

BK> * Built-in Wireless.  (Need to look into Broadcom support.  NDISwrapper?)

You likely need the stuff from ipw2200.sourceforge.net (Kubuntu may
have a package containing it, I don't know).

BK> * maybe other stuff... I heard CPU stepping needs some patch?

Let me know what you find with that and how it works.  I think if you
do a google search for /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings
you'll find docs about how to configure it to schedule things between
the double processors to save power.  I haven't tried it on my fairly
new core2 system (my mythbox) but have been wanting too.  Let me know
if you find it helps.
"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett

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