[vox] Iceweasel

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Fri Jan 19 10:06:47 PST 2007

On Fri 19 Jan 07,  9:55 AM, Bob Scofield <scofield at omsoft.com> said:
> I was looking forward to Firefox 2.0, and today Apt said it was going to 
> download it.  But voila, out came Iceweasel.
> I'm always the last to find out about tech stuff, and I may have missed a 
> discussion here.  If so, I apologize for asking about it now.
> I've read a little bit about the Mozilla/Debian "controversy?" on Wikipedia, 
> and will read more when I get the time.  I'm just writing this so that I can 
> learn more about what people here think about it.  So if anyone has an 
> opinion, I'd like to hear it.
> I'm assuming that if I were using Apt on Fedora or Kubuntu or Open Suse I 
> would have gotten Firefox instead of Iceweasel, right?
> Thank you.
> Bob

Yeah.  This is Debian's double edged sword.

When the sword swings the other way, it's very handy and helpful.  When it
swings this way, it feels kinda stupid and pedantic.

I've been meaning to at least look into Ubuntu or Kubuntu.  I like the idea
of a "commerical repository".  I've also been meaning to look into Gentoo.

More than likely, I'll just stay with Debian because I have no time to learn
anything else.

AFAIK (and I only did a perfunctory reading myself), Iceweasel is
functionally equivalent to Firefox.  The only difference is in the name and
some graphics/labeling.


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Peter Jay Salzman, email: p at dirac.org web: http://www.dirac.org/p    
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