[vox] OT: matrix operations

Henry House hajhouse at houseag.com
Tue Feb 20 07:57:29 PST 2007

I know about these defined arithmetic operations on vectors: vector addition, scalar mutiplication, and vector multiplication.

[1 2]   [4 3]   [5 4]
[3 4] + [1 2] = [4 6]

[1 2]           [2 4]
[3 4] * 2     = [6 8]

[1 2]   [2 2 2]   [ 6  6  6]
[3 4] * [2 2 2] = [14 14 14]

Why does one never hear about a scalar addition operation? It would
make sense to me to define the following:

[1 2]       [3 4]
[3 4] + 2 = [5 6]

Similarly, why is there no scalar exponentiation on vectors?

Henry House
+1 530 753 3361 ext. 13
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