[vox] Streaming flash videos yourself (no YouTube or Google Video needed)

Don Armstrong don at donarmstrong.com
Tue Feb 13 18:16:38 PST 2007

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, Dave Margolis wrote:
> I agree the lack for Flash player for PPC Linux (for example) is
> bothersome.

gnash plays quite a few things, so may suffice for non-video work.

> And it is a problem for me personally, as my favorite Linux box is
> an old G3 iMac running Kubuntu. But the codec game is just painful.
> I have to run some videos in VLC, others in mplayer, the vlc browser
> plugin almost never works for embedded video...and so on.

Videodownloader (a firefox plugin) and a few other tools make ripping
the video out of the flash containers fairly trivial.

Don Armstrong

"The question of whether computers can think is like the question of
whether submarines can swim."
 -- Edsgar Dijkstra

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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