[vox] Improving Programming Skills

Gandalf Parker gandalf at any1can.net
Thu Aug 30 11:59:37 PDT 2007

On Thu, 30 Aug 2007, Richard S. Crawford wrote:

> I'm a pretty decent PHP programmer; about 90% of my job consists of
> So does anyone have any suggestions for how I can bring my PHP programming
> skills up to the next level?  Almost all of the books I've looked at and

It sounds like you might be looking for PHP + XXXXXX?
But that might be my own prejudice (Ive always been against hiring an 
expert in one thing over someone who has good basis in multiples).

If so, then what comes to my mind are things like SQL, XML, Graphics (down 
to things like the guts of formats and how to manipulate them).

ImageMagick is a really big area with lots of possibilities. Lots of big 
name sites are using it for very fancy purposes but arent sharing the info 
much so it tends to need a heavy understanding of prgoramming and graphics 
together to do anything.

If, on the other hand, you were looking specifically for things along 
"PHP: from Expert moving up to Guru" then Im afraid that I have nothing.

Gandalf  Parker

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