[vox] Semi-OT: IBM Thinkpad T20 to a good home

Seth Nagao dokuja at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 09:18:31 PDT 2007

Hey Bill,

If you haven't found a home for  it already, I'll take it for  spares
to keep my brother's T20 still running (my former laptop).


On 6/18/07, Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> wrote:
> Melissa recently replaced her aging (and frankenstiened) IBM Thinkpad T20,
> and I'd like to offer it to a good home.  (Feel free to throw some cash
> our way, if you like, too!)
> The LCD works (recently replaced).  The [X] key is a bit hard to use.
> The hard drive was making a little bit of noise last time Melissa tried it.
> I think the on-board ethernet jack may be hosed.  I think the PCMCIA slots
> may be hosed.  The DVD drive works.  If you can convince it to get on
> a network (USB ethernet or wireless?) it may be useful for a small server
> or something.
> I'll bring it to LUGOD tonight, and you can pick it up there.
> Otherwise, you gotta come get it from me in Davis!  (Sorry, Michael! :^) )
> PS - reply off-list please!  First come, first served!
> --
> -bill!
> bill at newbreedsoftware.com
> http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/
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