[vox] Sound Card Compatibility

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Fri Nov 3 16:32:07 PST 2006

On Fri 03 Nov 06,  3:07 PM, Amit Verma <amverma at ucdavis.edu> said:
> Hi,
> I am new to this community.I have FC5 on my system and want to install
> sound card .I would be highly indebted to you if you can tell me the
> compatible sound card.
> Thanks
> Amit

Are there any cards being actively marketed that aren't Linux compatible at
this point?  AFAIK, any mainstream card should work fine.  There might be
some things not supported, but they all should be reasonably functional.  I
think it's the chipsets that might be a bit wonky, but my knowledge here is
pretty dated.

Since you don't mention a specific application, I assume you mean a general
sound card.  A nice cheap $8 Creative PCI-128 performs quite well.


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