[vox] [news] World's first single-core Linux phone demoed

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu May 25 11:35:23 PDT 2006

World's first single-core Linux phone demoed

  FSMLabs and Infineon Technologies claim to have achieved the world's
  first demonstration of a Linux mobile phone based on a single
  processor core: a working prototype based on a single ARM9 core
  running FSMLabs's RTLinux real-time Linux OS, along with a functional
  2G/3G (WCDMA/EDGE/GPRS/GSM) stack[...]

So why does this matter? :^)

  Current-generation mobile phones based on "complex OSes" such as
  Symbian, Linux, and Windows use two separate processors to run all of
  their embedded software.  An applications processor runs the high-end
  OS, GUI, and user applications, while a "baseband" processor runs a
  low-level RTOS (real-time OS) that handles signal-plane functions such
  as managing the cellular radio and its communications protocols.

In other words, the devices will be cheaper, since they'll have only 1 CPU :)

I, for one, welcome our new Linux phone overlords,

bill at newbreedsoftware.com

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