[vox] Debian + KDE vs. Kubuntu

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue May 23 11:27:17 PDT 2006

It's finally happened.  I've bought a copy of Windows XP and will be
installing it on my *sigh* home PC at some point soon.  (Waiting for the
media and a hard drive to arrive in the mail.)

I'm considering taking this opportunity to make a fresh start...
replace my cluttered Debian/sid system with a shiny new Kubuntu one.
I'm curious, though... will it be worth it? :^)

Who here has made the switch from plain-Debian-plus-KDE-3.5 to
[K]ubuntu?  What do you think?  I love Debian, but it's getting to be
a little bit of a pain to maintain, since I'm getting lower and lower
interest in doing sysadminy type stuff on my own box. :^/

(Of course, I'd also love a tiny spare box to run as a server, so my
music collection, CUPS, DHCP, etc. aren't running on my desktop.
Especially since I'll be *ugh* dual-booting it a lot.)

bill at newbreedsoftware.com

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