[vox] July 4th event?

Michael Cheselka cheselka at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 12:42:14 PDT 2006


I live in Fairfield and could use a ride.  If anyone is coming down 80 from
the SF Bay area, and wouldn't mind picking me up, and/or dropping me off
afterwards, I would appreciate it.  There's a train I can use to get
there so the
ride home is the important one.  I need go to sleep early,  say before 11pm,
to go to work the next day.

Much Thanks!

On 6/27/06, Ryan <cjg5ehir02 at sneakemail.com> wrote:
> On Monday 26 June 2006 01:25 pm, Bill Kendrick nbs-at-sonic.net |lugod| wrote:
> > So I heard rumor that LUGOD may be having a picnic or BBQ event for our
> > July 4th social gathering.  Does anyone have any details?  If not, I
> > suppose we should start planning it!  (I'd like to announce it soon :^) )
> I checked with the city, they do not offer bbq area reservations on the 4th.
> I have a small portable grill that we could use, and just take over some area
> of grass.  Anyone else have any sugguestions?
> --
> Ryan Castellucci - http://ryanc.org/
> GPG Key: http://ryanc.org/files/publickey.asc

When in the Potemkin Wired be a Potemkin Lain.

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