[vox] [fwd] DCNews [June 2006]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Mon Jun 5 17:26:02 PDT 2006

Richard Lowenberg, director of the Davis Community Network for the
last 10 years (and friend of LUGOD for the last ~7) is moving out of state!

Let's wish him well, and thank him for his support!


----- Forwarded message from Richard Lowenberg -----

Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 16:18:26 -0700
From: Richard Lowenberg <rl at dcn.org>
Subject: DCNews

DCNews: Behind the Modem Lines
June 5, 2006
Issue No.6/06

Published by Davis Community Network
Re-post where appropriate.
Subscribe and unsubscribe information at end of message.


In the DCN Spotlight
DCN Executive Director Transition
SimpleSites 2.0 Class
About DCNews

In the DCN Spotlight
Currently in the DCN Community Spotlight is the DCN Voter Information  
web site, at: http://www2.dcn.org/davis.gov/elections/jun06

DCN has been providing online voter information since 1996.  The DCN  
Voter Information web site currently offers links to: campaign and  
candidate web sites, the Yolo Elections Office (voter guide, polling  
place lookup, election returns), DCTV voter education webcasts and  
election night streaming, Davis City Council campaign financial  
filings, Davis Council candidate economic interest disclosures, Measure  
G (frequently asked questions webcast), and Measure G (parks  
maintenance tax measure) information.

This is your online portal to Tuesday?s election information and  
returns.  DCN thanks the Yolo County Elections Office, DCTV, and key  
Web Team volunteers for realizing this example of community networking  
practice at its civic best.  Don?t forget to log in before, and after  
you vote.  

Every few weeks, the DCN web team chooses a new Davis-oriented web site  
for the community spotlight. Spotlighted sites are featured on the DCN  
home page. Good spotlight candidates are new or recently revised web  
sites, ones that deserve more attention or have timely content. If  
you've a suggestion for a spotlight candidate, please contact the Web  
Team, msmosaic at dcn.org

DCN Executive Director Transition
(written in the first person)

After nearly ten years at the helm of DCN, I, Richard Lowenberg, am  
moving on.   As Executive Director since October 1996, I?ve had the  
privilege of working closely with DCN?s uniquely skilled and dedicated  
volunteer Board, and to serve the Davis area in its transition to  
becoming part of a locally-globally networked society.  Typical of most  
nonprofit ventures, DCN has always been fiscally fragile, but over the  
years has evolved from a largely grant supported organization, to being  
almost entirely supported by local partnerships. As I move on, DCN is  
gearing up for a next phase of its strategic service to community:  
helping people actively participate in the public (non-commercial) use  
of broadband, convergent, digital media, while continuing to narrow  
digital divides.

I?m now packing up my Powerbook and art supplies, and will be moving to  
Santa Fe, NM at the end of June.  It has been a great ten years, in a  
very special community.  Thank you, all.  Fortunately, I will continue  
to work closely with DCN, virtually and voluntarily.  I will also  
continue to be reachable at rl at dcn.org   I look forward to continuing  
contact with many of you, and ask you all to continue supporting DCN.

As I depart, this is a good time for new people to get involved with  
DCN. DCN will continue to serves an evermore vitally important purpose  
in the future of learning, of civic exchange, of healthy, creative  
community building for Davis and Yolo County.   

In fact, DCN is currently seeking a paid p/t administrative assistant,  
to help manage the organization and its office in this transition  
period, and possibly beyond (for the right person).  If you or someone  
you know may be interested, please contact Richard, rl at dcn.org

SimpleSites 2.0 Class
On Thurs. June 22nd, at 6:30 p.m., DCN will offer a free class on its  
new, upgraded web creation toolkit: SimpleSites 2.0

The DCN Web Team is pleased to announce the release of SimpleSites 2.0,  
an upgraded (Plone) version of its popular SimpleSites web creation and  
management application, currently in use by nearly 50 community  
groups.  SimpleSites are designed for and offered with training and  
technical support services, at no cost, to Davis area community  
organizations.  SimpleSites allow users to create and easily maintain  
web sites without any (HTML) programming knowledge.   

This free class is for representatives of community groups and  
nonprofit organizations that have already been using DCN?s Simplesites,  
and need a tutorial or want to upgrade, and for those groups that newly  
seek a practical solution to their web site creation and management  

DCN?s SimpleSites 2.0 class will be held on Thurs., June 22nd, from  
6:30-8:00 p.m., at the City of Davis? Computer Lab, 600 A Street  
(between City Hall and the Senior Center; enter the courtyard off the  
south parking lot).  Instructor: Steve McMahon

DCN?s free classes are offered to help community groups and nonprofit  
organizations better use the Internet, to do their work more  
effectively. DCN also offers a number of other free community Internet  
applications.  If your group is interested in learning more about and  
applying for DCN resources (Calendar, listserves, shell accounts,  
etc.), just read and fill in the application form on DCN?s Resource  
Allocation Committee web site, at  

To reserve a class seat, contact DCN Executive Director, Richard  
Lowenberg, 750-1170, or email rl at dcn.org

About DCNews: Behind the Modem Lines
DCNews: Behind the Modem Lines is an occassional online newsletter  
publication of Davis Community Network, providing DCN subscribers and  
any interested community members with an easy way to stay abreast of  
DCN activities. We are a unique, community-based, mostly volunteer  
non-profit organization, whose mission is to strengthen the community  
by helping people understand and benefit from participation in the  
electronic information era.

To subscribe, go to http://www.dcn.org/dcn/ and fill out the short form  
at the bottom of the page.

To unsubscribe, send a message to: majordomo at list.dcn.davis.ca.us  with  
the following line in the body of the message:
unsubscribe dcn-news YourEmailAddress

Where YourEmailAddress is the email address you used to subscribe to  
the list -- this is also the address to which this message was  

Feel free to offer suggestions, comments, corrections and ideas by  
replying to this message or to: rl at dcn.org

For more information about DCN please visit our web site  
at:  www.dcn.org/dcn/

Note: DCNews material may be re-posted or reproduced for non-commercial  
use, provided DCN is cited as the source.

DCN Services and Contact Information:
Omsoft Technologies is DCN?s contracted ISP partner, offering:  
technical support, accounting, new accounts, DSL and networking  
services:  (Just say ?DCN?)

OmSoft Technologies
1623 5th St., Suite F, Davis, CA 95616
(530) 750-0101 or (530) 758-0119

For technical support, email:  help at dcn.org

For billing and accounting, email:  billing at dcn.org

The DCN Office is located at:

1623 5th Street, Suite I, Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (530) 750-1170; Fax: (530) 757-2938
Executive Director: Richard Lowenberg
rl at dcn.org


Richard Lowenberg
Exec. Director, Davis Community Network (DCN), 1623 5th St., Davis, CA  
Ph. 530-750-1170 / Fax 530-757-2938         rl at dcn.org             
Home/Studio:  RADLab   530-668-1100    rl at radlab.com     
"If it is not Matter, it is Energy. If it Matters, it is Information.  
If it does not Matter, it is Noise."

----- End forwarded message -----

bill at newbreedsoftware.com

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