[vox] [fwd] Davis Wiki first annual fundraiser [This Saturday]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Jul 27 11:53:33 PDT 2006

Philip posted this to vox-outreach, but since I think many LUGOD folks
love Davis Wiki, that it is appropriate to announce this event to the
general 'vox' audience...



----- Forwarded message from Philip Neustrom <philipn at gmail.com> -----

Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 20:18:13 -0700
From: "Philip Neustrom" <philipn at gmail.com>
Subject: [vox-outreach] Davis Wiki first annual fundraiser

Heya folks,

Davis Wiki is having its first annual fundraiser this weekend, with a
major event occuring this Saturday at the Turtle House (217 Second
Street).  The event, called the Davis Wiki Wacky Woo, is sure to be a
lot of fun -- bands, food, people, etc!  As you may or may not know,
Davis Wiki (http://davisiwiki.org) is a not-for-profit community guide
for Davis.  Of particular relevance to LUGOD is our commitment to free
software and free conten: in our day to day operations we use only
free software, and the wiki engine we maintain, Sycamore, is also free

Our goal is to raise $3500 this weekend.  If you can't make it out to
the event this Saturday but would like to help us reach our goal then
you can 1) Donate online (http://daviswiki.org/Donate) via PayPal 2)
Send a check (make out to "Davis Wiki") to 2222 Anderson Road #AD13,
Davis, CA, 95616.

I hope I see some LUGODers at the wiki wacky woo this Saturday!  One
last thing:  You don't have to donate to come to the event and have a
good time :)

--Philip Neustrom

----- End forwarded message -----

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