[vox] Monday meeting - Togo's?

Adam YErgovich ayergovich at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 12 14:54:18 PST 2006

Wow, that would be awesome to have food along as well.
 I'm willing to chip in, and i might be able to pick
up the sandwiches to boot.  I think they'll fit in my
car just fine.

Only concern is that food will draw more people, and
i'll be even more nervous in front of everyone. : P


--- Ryan Castellucci <cjg5ehir02 at sneakemail.com>

> I'm willing to provide food for mondays meeting (I
> figure togos would
> be good, I miss those days) since we're paying the
> food fee anyways.
> I will probably end up getting 2 three footers which
> should feed 18
> people according to togos, which seems like plenty
> considering out
> meetijng turnout as of late.
> One turkey & cheese and one avacado alright with
> everyone?
> Also, I need someone to pick these up (I should be
> able to pay them in
> advance). Henry?
> --
> Ryan Castellucci http://ryanc.org/
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