[vox] Mp3 Music For Linux?

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Tue Dec 26 18:38:29 PST 2006

On Tue 26 Dec 06,  6:36 PM, Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> said:
> On Tue, Dec 26, 2006 at 04:41:07PM -0500, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > 
> > 1. Open up an xterm.
> > 2. Put a CD into your CD drive.
> > 3. type this: "cdparanoia foo.wav"
> > 4. type this: "lame foo.wav foo.mp3"
> Personally, I find these solutions a lot easier:
[ KDE - GNOME junk snipped ]


I'll keep the xterm.  No menu items to hunt down.  No highlighting schemes
to remember.  No desktop managers to break.  Nice and fast.  Foolproof.

Peter (who still uses enlightenment after all these years)

How VBA rounds a number depends on the number's internal representation.
You cannot always predict how it will round when the rounding digit is 5.
If you want a rounding function that rounds according to predictable rules,
you should write your own.
              -- MSDN, on Microsoft VBA's "stochastic" rounding function

Peter Jay Salzman, email: p at dirac.org web: http://www.dirac.org/p    
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