[vox] Maybe I will try Kubuntu and ignore Ubuntu

Jonathan Stickel jjstickel at sbcglobal.net
Sun May 8 20:26:19 PDT 2005

Bill Kendrick wrote:
> I've heard Ubuntu "comes with" KDE, but I guess not out-of-the-box.
> Is it trivial to switch completely from the Gnome environment you get out
> of the box, to a completely non-Gnome, KDE-only desktop with regular Ubuntu?

The one time I tried Ubuntu, the first thing I attempted was getting 
KDE.  I activated the "world" repository and then installed KDE. 
Everything installed fine, but the resulting KDE was "ugly".  In 
particular, there was no logic to the kmenu tree, with a lot of stuff 
not showing up in the kmenu at all.  Sure, I could have manually edited 
the kmenu, but I wasn't impressed and started over with Fedora.


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