[vox] My next little project

Don Werve donw at agentsix.net
Mon Mar 28 15:33:52 PST 2005

Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> I know this is a Linux list, but I'm thinking that I would like to build a
> router/firewall out of a computer running OpenBSD for my home network,
> instead of using the Linksys router/firewall that I'm currently using.
> Has anyone had any experience doing this?  I have some very basic
> questions that I'd like to ask.

I've set up BSD firewalls before, and might even have my old rulesets 
laying around.  The setup is, to be frank, much more straightforward 
than IPchains, and I honestly prefer it.

Don Werve (Unix Sys Admin) | Email: donw AT agentsix DOT net

"Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it.  Action
has magic, grace and power in it." -- Goethe

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