[vox] Which Linux Distribution for HP6535

Karsten M. Self kmself at ix.netcom.com
Fri Mar 18 09:56:10 PST 2005

on Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 08:32:41PM -0800, brimjohn at sbcglobal.net (brimjohn at sbcglobal.net) wrote:
> I have an HP 6535 system (Intel Celeron 466Mhz, 64Meg memory, 8Gig HD)
> that I would like to make into a linux box to use in hacking a TIVO.
> What Linux distribution should I install?  All suggestions
> appreciated.

On pure technical grounds, any of the major distros is going to work on
x86 hardware and 8 GiB is sufficient for a pretty rich install, though
you're not leaving much space for user files by today's standards.  If
you're doing extensive graphics or video work, you'll bump into that.
Majors include Debian, Red Hat, Mandrake, and SuSE.

If you're familiar and comfortable with a given distro, by all means use
it.  Finding out what existing TiVo hackers are using (Google and
newsgroup searches are on order) may be a guide as well.

My own distro-choosing-guide-in-progress addresses some of the
issues you should consider:


My own strong preference based on multi-distro experience is to go with
Debian or a Debian-based distro, for reasons touched on in the above
reference.  Ubuntu (based on Debian) addresses desktop needs, but
includes access to pretty much all Debian packages, including extensive
development support tools.  Maintenance and updates are greatly assisted
by APT packaging Policy and tools.


Karsten M. Self <kmself at ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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