[vox] [OT] SPDIF (Digital Audio) cable dimensions, price?

lugod at jbbrown9.mailshell.com lugod at jbbrown9.mailshell.com
Sun Mar 6 13:41:52 PST 2005

An alternative would be flat flex cable. I checked digikey, and you can
get 40 sets of 2 conductor 2" wire for $20. I think you could find a way
to put the ends in sockets, but I haven't tried so you'd have to make

If you go with headers, you can get double row headers that are scored
and break them off to make pairs. I think you can get those at HSC and
they'd end up costing a couple bucks for as much as you'd need. If you
can't find them, let me know and I could probably send you some.

HSC would probably sell the parts to make spdif cables, but that would
mean soldering on 160 connectors. Yuck. Maybe they'll have a pile of
them in a bin for $0.25 each.

> Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2005 23:02:37 -0800 (PST)
> From: "Mark K. Kim" <lugod at cbreak.org>
> Subject: [vox] [OT] SPDIF (Digital Audio) cable dimensions, price?
> To: vox at lists.lugod.org
> Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0503052210130.14696 at bolt.sonic.net>
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> Hello,
> Not Linux specific, but this is a fairly technical question.
> I'm looking to purchase several CDROM_drive-to-sound_card SPDIF connector
> used inside a PC.  It looks like the black 4-pin analog audio cable used
> to connect CDROM drives to sound cards except it's half the size
> (2-pins) and is for digial signal.  It looks like this:
>    http://www.rogerssystems.com/store/moreinfo.cfm?Product_ID=328
> I'm not using this for CDROMs or sound cards; I just need several small
> and cheap 2 or 4-pin connector for a project I'm working on and this is
> the cheapest connector I could find.  I need to purchase about 40 of 'em
> ($0.75ea if I get 50 of 'em), which will get expensive, so I just need to
> make sure I'm purchasing the right thing.
> So here comes my question: Does anyone know if the spacing of the holes
> on
> this cable is the 0.1" spacing commonly found on PCBs including PCs?  I'm
> planning to plug this into PCB header pins that are also 0.1" spacing
> (the
> normal black 4-pin CDROM audio connector fits on these.)
> Also, anyone know of a cheaper way to connect 40 pairs of electronic
> components?  I can't simply solder on wires because the connections need
> to be configurable.  I thought about RJ11 connectors but the female ends
> are expensive (cheapest I've found are $0.49ea, so if I get one pair it's
> $0.90, just for the female ends, and RJ11 connectors are far from small.)
> Thanks!!
> -Mark
> -- 
> Mark K. Kim
> AIM: markus kimius
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