[vox] One more reason to prefer Linux...

Don Werve donw at agentsix.net
Thu Mar 3 16:02:13 PST 2005

Bill Kendrick wrote:
> I think I'm going to sufficate holding my breath for these:
>   http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT9423084269.html

I'm going the easier route and thinking about switching to OS X in the 
near future.  It solves my color management problem (I'm a photo nut), 
and will give me a laptop with WORKING suspend functions AND working
CPU throttling[1], as well as a pile of professional apps which aren't
available on Linux[2].  But I can still run UNIX apps, like OpenOffice, 
and have a command line for getting real work done.

The hardware design (I'm looking at the 12" PowerBook), all-metal case, 
and overall connectivity are also all quite sexy.

If it wasn't for the BSD base on OS X, I wouldn't even think of a Mac; 
now, it's a serious option.

[1] I have a refurbished Dell C600 at the moment, and I can either run 
APM and suspend the thing, or run ACPI and get SpeedStep, but without a 
working suspend function.

[2] I do like the Gimp, but Photoshop is still better, and has color 
management, which is a must for ANY print-ready work, ESPECIALLY digital 

Don Werve (Unix Sys Admin) | Email: donw AT agentsix DOT net

"Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it.  Action
has magic, grace and power in it." -- Goethe

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