[vox] One more reason to prefer Linux...

Richard S. Crawford rscrawford at mossroot.com
Thu Mar 3 13:45:42 PST 2005

And behold, Don Werve flailed at a keyboard and did expound:

> This is true, but Linux gives you USABLE LOGS to figure out where the
> problem is when it crashes.  Windows' logging system is woefully
> inadequate by comparison, and the inability to reference the source when
> troubleshooting makes life even more difficult.  It's not just that
> Linux has a more simple core system, but that it simply provides more
> information to the user, period.
> When Linux crashes, you scracth your head in puzzlement and investigate.
>   When Windows crashes, you shrug your shoulders in resignation and
> reboot.

A few years ago, one of my Windows computers crashed.  I remember asking
the sysadmin in my office where Windows kept its system logs so that I
could diagnose the problem and try to fix it.  He looked at me blankly and
said, "The what?"

Richard S. Crawford (AIM: Buffalo2K)
http://www.mossroot.com   http://www.stonegoose.com/catseyeview
"We live as though the world were how it should be,
to show it what it can be."
--"Angel", Season 4 ep. 1

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