[vox] Mounting a Shared Win2k Drive for Students--no write access?

Steve Hargadon steve.hargadon at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 14:03:23 PST 2005

I've mounted a shared Win2k directory in a K12LTSP 4.2 setup at a
school where the students have traditionally all saved their work on
their old Windows machines.

No matter what I do, I can't seem to get write access for the student
group id to be able to save documents.  Root can save, although it is
asked for a password confirmation, but nothing I have done has changed
the write permissions for the group.

Here is the mount command I have used:

mount -t smbfs -o username=student,password=abc123 //sharename/Students /S-Drive

I've tried unmask = 000, doesn't seem to make a difference.
I've gried gid=students, also nothing

Any suggestions?

Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct

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