[vox] Metissa, X desktop with OpenGL capacity

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue Jan 18 00:51:19 PST 2005

"Metisse is an experimental X desktop with some OpenGL capacity. 

"Metisse is constituted by a virtual X server called Xwnc, a special
version of FVWM and an FVWM module...

"Xwnc is a mix of Xvnc and XDarwin. It draws nothing on your screen,
every things is drawn into pixmaps. Similarly as Xvnc, but with a
different protocol, Xwnc can send these pixmaps (and others
information) to a 'viewer'. FvwmAmetista is such a viewer, it uses
OpenGL (via nucleo) for rendering the X desktop into a window of a
'regular' 3D accelerated X server."


Here's a screenshot someone posted in #kde of their KDE desktop running it:


One of the things they have open is a screenshot of Java's 3D desktop,
which is a very similar idea. ;^)


bill at newbreedsoftware.com          April shower bring Kompressor power!

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