[vox] [fwd] January BALUG Meeting 1/18 @ 7pm! [in San Francisco]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Jan 12 18:18:30 PST 2005

----- Forwarded message from michael -----

Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 15:16:47 -0800 (PST)
From: michael
Subject: [Balug-talk] January BALUG Meeting 1/18 @ 7pm!

We have our regular monthly BALUG meetings on the third Tuesday of each
month.  Details for the January meeting are below.  For more
information about BALUG, directions to the meetings, see our website at

Date:  		Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Time:  		7:00 - 9:00 PM (the cutoff for dinner is at 7:10!)
Location:  	Four Seas restaurant, 731 Grant Street, between Sacramento
and Clay, in San Francisco.

Brent Thorne, a software engineer with OpenTV will be doing a presentation
on "Using GNU tools to build homebrew embedded computers from scratch."

This will be a great one, so don't miss it!

Also, our next meeting will be moved to February 8th (the second Tuesday)
because the Four Seas has a conflict for the upstairs area.  We're still
looking for a speaker for this meeting, so if you know anyone or want to
speak yourself, please email me.


----- End forwarded message -----

Note: Michael's announcement listed the date as Tues. Jan. 17th, which is
incorrect.  Tuesday is the 18th. ;^)  I've corrected it above.


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