[vox] Firefox talk, to pull the non-Linux crowd in?

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Feb 9 15:46:14 PST 2005

All this talk of Firefox has made me think we should have a talk similar
to NBLUG's recent "Firefox extensions" presentation
("We will show you a bunch of Firefox extensions that we think are
super duper rad!")

It might be a good way to draw in non-Linux users who are considering
switching (at least browsers, if not the entire OS)... we could advertise
it more broadly than our typical meetings, and give out discs with the
software. :^)

Would someone out here like to put something together?
(I don't use Firefox, and get by with Mozilla on WinXP at work, so I wouldn't
really know where to start :^) )

bill at newbreedsoftware.com         "I'm anticipating an all-out tactical
http://newbreedsoftware.com/      dog-fight, followed by a light dinner."

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