[vox] Stolen laptop

Richard S. Crawford rscrawford at mossroot.com
Mon Feb 7 17:22:54 PST 2005

Ted Deppner said:
> On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 01:52:24PM -0800, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
>> During church, our car was broken into, and they stole my laptop bag,
complete with laptop computer (I had taken it to church because I was
using it for a Sunday school class I was teaching).  So, if any of you
> Sad to hear.  I'll assume you're Christian (given you mention Sunday),
so you might find this interesting.  You're entitled to a 7 fold return
(Proverbs 6:31) just because something was stolen.  However, if you give
the thief the laptop you're entitled to a 100 fold return (Matthew
> What will you do with 100 laptops?

Well, yeah, it's 100 laptops.  Trouble is, they all date from 33 a.d. and
are stamped "Imperius Inside".  They only have a 14.4 K modem, and a 4 MB
hard drive.  I can't even install Debian on them. Plus, there's sand in
all the circuit boards.

Blessed are the poor in connectivity, true, but there's gotta be a line.

Richard S. Crawford (AIM: Buffalo2K)
http://www.mossroot.com   http://www.stonegoose.com/catseyeview
"We live as though the world were how it should be,
to show it what it can be."
--"Angel", Season 4 ep. 1

Richard S. Crawford (AIM: Buffalo2K)
http://www.mossroot.com   http://www.stonegoose.com/catseyeview
"We live as though the world were how it should be,
to show it what it can be."
--"Angel", Season 4 ep. 1

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