[vox] [OT] Elenco 500-in-1 Electronics Lab

Micah J. Cowan micah at cowan.name
Fri Dec 30 15:19:22 PST 2005

Anyone interested in one of these?


I have one, barely-used. All the components and wires are in little
baggies. It includes projects on analog and digital circuitry, including
some basic microprocessor programming stuff (it has a little keypad for
that purpose). Especially great for software guys who wish they knew
more about hardware (why I bought it). If you ever played with a
25-in-1, or a 50-in-1 electronics lab from Radio Shack, that's these
guys: only this is much, /much/ bigger.

It goes new for $200; I'm looking for $125. I live in the bay area, but
will be in the Sac area this weekend (Sat-Mon); if you would like it,
drop me an e-mail (off-list) before the end of Monday, and I can bring
it to you (or, if /you/ live in the bay area, I'll bring it to you when
I get back).

Micah J. Cowan
micah at cowan.name

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