[vox] Laptop recommendations

Ken Bloom kbloom at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 09:02:57 PDT 2005

On 8/25/05, Michael Wenk <wenk at praxis.homedns.org> wrote:
> I too keep my computers for awhile... My Linux gateway is 4.5 years old, and
> my other PC is 2 years old(the one before that was broken, had several
> components bad on it. )
> One question, does the iBook in question run OSX?  If so, I wouldn't care
> terribly much about Linux support for it, other than maybe nostalgia...

Of course, but there are two reasons why I'm interested in Linux
support. First, because if apple stops supporting PPC with upgrades, I
expect linux to continue to work on this hardware for a while longer.
Second, because I just can't imagine using MacOS for getting stuff
done anyway (I'm such a hardcore linux guy now!)

> As for support, I can't see apple discontinuing support for PPC based systems
> for a number of years.  I would figure they would keep support for at least
> 10 years from now(possibly longer..)  It will take them a good amount of time
> to get most of their customers to move.

That estimate of 10 years was accurate way back in the System 7 days.
Nowdays, I'd figure 2 or 3 from Apple, and probably less from other
vendors. I wonder how long Fink will support PPC. I'm sure that Gentoo
for MacOS will support PPC approximately forever ;-)

--Ken Bloom

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