[vox] Laptop recommendations

Trevor M. Lango tmlango at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 24 13:57:11 PDT 2005

--- Ken Bloom <kbloom at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah. I was curious about the extent of the hardware
> support. I know
> that Debian PPC can boot on PowerPC. The question is
> what comes next?
> is the video card fully supported? the modem? the
> AirPort card?

Poke around here and see what success others have had
with various hardware:


> What's the future look like for this platform? is
> the processor likely
> to remain well supported by Apple over the next 4 or
> 5 years? is the
> processor likely to remain as well supported by
> Linux when Apple's not
> still writing updates to Darwin for us to look at?

Hmm, since when is a computer a 4 or 5 year
investment? Its obsolete a few months after you buy
it! ;-)

> Is MacPPC generally a good investment now, or should
> I stick with
> intel/amd chips?

What do you intend to do with the machine?

> > or
> > 
> > "linux compatible" i.e. ability to run linux
> binaries?
> > (http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/macos-guide.xml)
> Cool thanks for the info about that.

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