[vox] Moving to Sacramento, ISP recommendation

Charles McLaughlin cmclaughlin at ucdavis.edu
Thu Aug 4 21:37:13 PDT 2005

Sam Peterson wrote:
> I'll be moving to Sacramento shortly (like within the week) and I
> thought I'd take this oppurtunity to consider other ISPs.  I've been
> with Omsoft for the past 3 years, and have generally been happy with
> them, but I'd like to pay less (I currently pay $56.95 for 768/256 DSL +
> static IP).  Also, due to complex reasons I may have to keep my phone
> active at my current apartment until the end of the month, and I'd like
> to have Internet in my new apartment before then, so cable Internet is
> sounding like a lovely idea right about now.  I can stomach another
> $50-$60 a month bill if it also includes decent cable.  But before
> investigating this option, I was wondering what sort of experiences
> people have had with cable Internet in Sac (midtown area) and if they're
> Linux/Services friendly (don't really need a static IP more I think
> about, so don't care about that option).

You probably won't find a cheaper price than SBC.  Their prices start at 
$14.95.  That said, they have deplorable customer service.


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