[vox] A philosophical question about partitioning

Bryan Richter btrichter at ucdavis.edu
Mon Apr 18 15:08:31 PDT 2005

ME wrote:
> Richard Crawford said:
> [store music in]
> > /home/music
> [where should I store it on a new system]
> For shared variable data some place under /var. Perhaps make a
> dir/var/share and in there, make a dir called music
> /var/share/music
> (for example)

I think the problem with that is that music is not 'variable'. 

> /var is for variable data.. things like logs, web server roots, file
> shares that are shared by many users.
> If you music is shared by many, then a /var sub directory is one of the
> better choices.

var != shared. In fact, the FHS doesn't specify a /var/share. /var is designed for
variable data files and "transient and temporary" files --- none of which applies
to music. 

> /home should really just be user accounts. Pollution of /home with other
> dirs that are not usernames can lead to problems when you start adding
> many users. (As a result, is not a good convention.)
> Looking at others, and you will see they are not good choices:
> /tmp (no.)
> /proc (heh heh. no!)
> /usr (no. /usr, /usr/share, /usr/src, /usr/local (and other /usr should be
> used for source an applications and libs-- things that the system uses.)

Well.. except for /usr/local. The system doesn't touch that. And then, from the
FHS, "The /usr/share hierarchy is for all read-only architecture independent
data files" (note how this conflicts with /var). Put those two together and you
get my choice, /usr/local/share/music.


p.s. Actually, /usr/local/share/music is just a symlink on my computer to
/mnt/nonsys/music. /mnt/nonsys is a big partition with respective directories
for the symlinks /usr/local, /home, /tmp, and some random stuff. That seemed
like a good solution to some of the frustrations I was having with partitioning.

Bryan Richter
UCDTT President
UC Davis Undergrad, Physics Dept.
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