[vox] LTSP, a School District, and Windows...

Steve Hargadon steve.hargadon at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 09:41:52 PDT 2004

I have a local school district with 4,000 computers that has
previously been reluctant to consider LTSP, but has opened the door a

They are asking for a demonstration that certain Windows programs will
be able to be run in a Linux thin-client environment, and have
selected two programs where they want us to show them working.

One is Mavis Beacon typing, the other is Accelerated Reader. 
(Accelerated Reader is available in a web-based version, which would
do the trick, but they are asking for a demonstration of running it
with their existing licensing.)

Is there anyone who might be interested in working on these two
programs on a paid basis to have them running in Linux thin-client in
a form that wouldn't cost the school any more in licensing fees?  If
so, please contact me.



Steve Hargadon
916-652-8600 ext. 711

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