[vox] [fwd] [svlug] mission critical computing and air safety

Tim Riley timriley at timriley.net
Wed Sep 22 11:36:47 PDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 10:30, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Here's a nice long post with some more details about the air traffic issue
> last week (and his thoughts on the Windows conversions) from Rick Kwan over
> at SVLUG.  Just thought it was interesting reading...

Sure is an interesting read. It seems like a memory leak in
the application caused the problem. However, are memory leaks
so common that they should be expected? Should the operating
system return leaked memory to the memory pool? Should a person
have to reboot a computer every month to reset leaked memory?

It seems like the last question is the only one that matters: Yes,
since MS is forcing archaic memory management onto the commercial


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