[vox] BALUG monthly meeting - 9/21 @ 7pm

Michael Hubbard michael at offroadgeek.com
Tue Sep 21 01:38:32 PDT 2004

We have our regular monthly BALUG meetings on the third Tuesday of each 
month.  Details for the September meeting are below.  For more 
information about BALUG, directions to the meetings, see our website at 

Date:  		Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Time:  		7:00 - 9:00 PM (the cutoff for dinner is at 7:20!)
Location:  	Four Seas restaurant, 731 Grant Street, between Sacramento 
and Clay, in San Francisco.

Mark Sobell will be doing a on "Shell Programming".  He will also be 
donating two copies of his new book: A Practical Guide to Red Hat 
Linux, Second Edition:  Fedora Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  One 
book will be raffled off at the meeting, and the other will go to our 
new BALUG library.

Biography of Mark G Sobell

Mark G. Sobell, author of many best-selling books, including A 
Practical Guide to Linux, A Practical Guide to Solaris, A Practical 
Guide to the UNIX System, and UNIX System V: A Practical Guide (all 
from Addison-Wesley), has more than twenty-five years of experience 
working with UNIX and Linux. He is the president of Sobell Associates 
Inc., a consulting firm that designs and builds custom software 
applications for UNIX and Linux systems and provides training and 

Mr. Sobell started working with computers part time after high-school 
where he worked on the Dartmouth Time-sharing system where they 
developed the BASIC programming language and on IBM OS/360 systems. He 
started writing when he worked for microcomputer company Cromemco in 
the late 1970's. He published his first book (A Practical Guide to 
UNIX) in 1982 and started Sobell Associates in 1984. He has been 
writing and consulting ever since.

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