[vox] Installfest room

Ken Bloom kabloom at ucdavis.edu
Thu Sep 9 07:57:25 PDT 2004

On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 04:15:28PM -0700, Norm Matloff wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 04:11:26PM -0700, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
> > I am attempting to find an appropriate room for our Installfests.  The
> > room we have long used, Kemper 1131, does not have an adequate internet
> > connection.  We have talked about using the Davis Library, but they are
> > often booked.  Besides, the recent policy change on charging for the
> > Library room makes it infeasible.  I am considering 2 options:
> > 1. UCD college/department conference room with internet connection and
> > tables, e.g. Kemper 1003.  For this we need a faculty or staff sponsor.
> >  Computer science has graciously allowed our use of Kemper 1131, but
> > they do not have control over Kemper 1003.  Any UCD faculty on this list
> > that would be willing to help out?
> I can give it a try.  Please let me know what's wrong with the Internet
> connection in 1131 (are you sure it's still inadequate today?), 

The problem with the Internet is that we need to have a MAC address
approved for the ethernet port (s) in 1131 Kemper, and the CS
department has never been willing to tive us that.

> and what
> the previous history has been in getting permission to use campus
> facilities (I seem to recall that there were problems).

We've always needed to reserve the room in cooperation with the CS
club. We're not sure what the current status of the CS club is right
now (it died with a whimper last year), so we might need to build for
ourselves a new "wrapper script" to interact with the campus if the CS
Club doesn't some how get resurrected.

Any 2004-2005 CS club officers out there? I think LUGOD has historically
appointed an officer (the president?) of the CS Club as our CS Club
Liason, and the CS Club Liason has been on vox-officers, and attends
LUGOD officer meetings. (Am I right? I've never been a LUGOD officer).

--Ken Bloom

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