[vox] Installfest room

Jonathan Stickel jjstickel at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 8 16:11:26 PDT 2004


I am attempting to find an appropriate room for our Installfests.  The
room we have long used, Kemper 1131, does not have an adequate internet
connection.  We have talked about using the Davis Library, but they are
often booked.  Besides, the recent policy change on charging for the
Library room makes it infeasible.  I am considering 2 options:

1. UCD college/department conference room with internet connection and
tables, e.g. Kemper 1003.  For this we need a faculty or staff sponsor.
  Computer science has graciously allowed our use of Kemper 1131, but
they do not have control over Kemper 1003.  Any UCD faculty on this list
that would be willing to help out?

2. UCD campus classroom with tables and internet, e.g. 80 Social 
Sciences & Humanities.  For this we also need a sponsor, either a 
registered student club or a faculty member.  Any student club members 
on this list willing to help out?

I suppose we could start a UCD Linux club, but it seems a waste to 
duplicate what LUGOD does just to get access to campus rooms.  Any input 
is much appreciated.

IF coordinator

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