[vox] FWD: How Linux helps Microsoft

Michael Wenk wenk at praxis.homedns.org
Thu Sep 2 22:50:12 PDT 2004

On Wednesda

 01 September 2004 09:58, R. Douglas Barbieri wrote:
> Hey all,
> I was sent this link by someone I know who is decidely anti-Linux.
> http://www.forbes.com/2004/08/31/cz_dl_0831msft.html
> I'd like to know what vox-ites would say to this article. It appears
> pretty slanted, but the one point I like is that Microsoft (and it's
> customers!) will benefit from competition. Linux is the only OS to give
> them a run for their money.
> Here is an excerpt:
> "Microsofties say they were more worried about Linux a few years ago,
> when it was a truly free program, spreading on its own, from user to
> user, like a virus. Now that Linux costs real money, and is sold by
> buttoned-down blue suits from IBM and Novell, Microsoft feels more
> confident. Microsoft has beaten these guys, badly, in operating system
> wars before."

One caveat: I didn't read this article.  This is my opinion on everyone who 
says Linux is better than MS and vice versa.  

I do not believe that MS would be able to continue existing without 
competition including Linux and other companies(Oracle for example) 

I also do not think Linux would be the thing that it is without MS.  Without 
competition, neither would function, and every consumer would be hurt by it.  

So if MS ever dies, it would be one foot in the coffin for Linux, and the 
converse is true as well. 


wenk at praxis.homedns.org
Mike Wenk 

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