[vox] FWD: How Linux helps Microsoft

R. Douglas Barbieri doug at dooglio.net
Wed Sep 1 11:10:22 PDT 2004

Micah J. Cowan wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 09:58:58AM -0700, R. Douglas Barbieri wrote:
>>Here is an excerpt:
>>"Microsofties say they were more worried about Linux a few years ago, 
>>when it was a truly free program, spreading on its own, from user to 
>>user, like a virus. Now that Linux costs real money, and is sold by 
>>buttoned-down blue suits from IBM and Novell, Microsoft feels more 
>>confident. Microsoft has beaten these guys, badly, in operating system 
>>wars before."
> Why read the rest, when it is amazingly clear that the author hasn't
> the beginnings of a clue? Neither sentence is even remotely connected
> to reality, though there are clear connections to apparently
> successful MS FUD.

I sent him this link:


It says it all. :-)

R. Douglas Barbieri
doug at dooglio.net
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