[vox] FWD: How Linux helps Microsoft

Rod Roark rod at sunsetsystems.com
Wed Sep 1 10:19:16 PDT 2004

On Wednesday 01 September 2004 09:58 am, R. Douglas Barbieri wrote:
> Here is an excerpt:
> "Microsofties say they were more worried about Linux a few years ago, 
> when it was a truly free program, spreading on its own, from user to 
> user, like a virus. Now that Linux costs real money, and is sold by 
> buttoned-down blue suits from IBM and Novell, Microsoft feels more 
> confident. Microsoft has beaten these guys, badly, in operating system 
> wars before."

I guess I'll state the obvious in response to what is
obviously BS.

Linux does not cost money.  IBM, Red Hat, etc. are just
charging what executives are willing to pay for their brand
names.  Business users who are committed to saving money on
IT have plenty of means to do so with FOSS.

-- Rod

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