[vox] [OT] Simple mailing list service?

Ken Bloom kabloom at ucdavis.edu
Thu Oct 14 10:01:55 PDT 2004

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 01:48:12 -0700 (PDT)
"Mark K. Kim" <lugod at cbreak.org> wrote:

> Not quite Linux related, but certainly of interest to our knowledge
> base:
> Does anyone know of a simple mailing list service that lets admins add
> members without needing each individual's approval (either via e-mail
> or web interface)?  I know it's a bad policy but the organization I'm
> working with just wants a simple shorthand for mailing to everyone in
> the organization without having to type everyone's e-mail address, and
> mailing list seems like the best thing to do.
> The subscription only needs to be under the admin's control, though if
> someone wants to sign up I don't think that's a problem (or sign out,
> for that matter.)  Same thing with the posts -- it's more like a
> newsletter than a mailing list so the members don't really need to
> post anything, but if they want to then it's not a big deal.
> So far, I found yahoogroups.com and coollist.com both require user

Yahoogroups used to have the feature that you're looking for, although I
did notice that it is gone now. They also stick a text ad onto the end
of each message.

You might look at topica.com, although I don't administer a list there,
I don't know whether it has the feature that you're looking for. They
also stick a text add onto the end of each message.

> approval.  We just wanna send things out from time to time to everyone
> in the organization without getting everyone to opt-in.  (Opt-out is
> not a problem if someone wants to do that, and if there's a feature
> for that without going through the admin that'd be great but at the
> same time we don't mind if the admin has to be bothered for opt-outs.)
>  We basically
> wanna get over the hurdle of member apathy.
> Thanks in advance!

I usually have a GPG digital signature included as an attachment.
See http://www.gnupg.org/ for info about these digital signatures.
"All the spots [of tzarat] that a man sees on others, are his own."
 -- from the Mishna, as interpreted according to the Ba'al Shem Tov
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