[vox] Re: SuSE Price Disappointment

Richard Ibbotson richard at sheflug.co.uk
Mon Oct 11 11:51:49 PDT 2004


> I notice that SuSE 9.2 Professional will be out in November for
> $89.95. I am disappointed that there is no advertisement for a 9.2
> Personal Edition for $29.95.  In the past there's always been the
> less expensiver version.  I don't know if SuSE will release a
> cheaper version later.  I don't know what their practice is.  But
> I'm wondering if there's been a change as a result of a big
> business like Novell taking SuSE over.

Can't say for definite either way but I was at the Linux World Expo in 
London last week helping out Wim Vandeputte with some OpenBSD stuff. 
www.kd85.com.  The SuSE/Novell stand was just next to me.

I did previously work for them at this show.  I didn't agree with the 
copyright on YaST but the software was mostly okay.  Sadly, I get the 
impression, from listening to people on the SuSE stand in London, 
that things are about to go badly wrong.  Mostly due to the fact that 
I can't find a salesman or technician who will speak a word of the 
truth to me.

I suppose that SuSE will live on but it won't be the organisation it 
once was :) Hence my interest in OpenBSD as well as Debian Linux.


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