[vox] Article: Linux in Government: California Air Resources Board's Secrets Revealed

Rod Roark rod at sunsetsystems.com
Sat Oct 9 14:30:23 PDT 2004

On Saturday 09 October 2004 01:51 pm, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Linux Journal is running an article entitled
> "Linux in Government: California Air Resources Board's Secrets Revealed",
> located here:
>   http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=7827

Well, here's an excerpt that makes me wince:

   Metcalfe stated that the value of a system equals the
   square of its nodes. The ARB team sees that value
   because its Internet sites are organized and supported
   organically. The knowledge of the organization increases
   exponentially as everyone participates in sharing their

So, is the increase exponential or parabolic?

And don't even get me started on "organically"....

-- Rod

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