[vox] [fwd] SVLUG Dec 01: Valerie Henson, A review of UNIX file systems, and LinuxChix

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Mon Nov 29 10:49:48 PST 2004

----- Forwarded message from Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> -----

We're pleased to announce the next meeting of the
Silicon Valley Linux Users Group! ( http://www.svlug.org/ )


  A review of UNIX file systems, and LinuxChix


  Wednesday, 01 Dec, 7pm-9pm or so.


  Valerie Henson, IBM


  Valerie will give a review of UNIX file systems, focussing on Linux
  file systems, the evolution of file system design, and various
  approaches to solving the problems of performance, consistency, and

  Valerie will also briefly discuss LinuxChix, a community for women in
  Linux.  The membership ranges from novices to experienced users, and
  includes programmers, system administrators, technical writers and
  people who just like Linux.


  Valerie Henson works at IBM as a Linux kernel developer, and has
  served on program committees for FREENIX, the USENIX Technical
  Conference and Ottawa Linux Symposium.  Most recently she worked on
  ZFS, a new file system for Solaris.  Valerie became interested in women
  in computing after wondering where all the other female Linux kernel
  developers were.


  Cisco Building 9 in Cisco's "Vineyards Conference Center".  This is at
  Cisco Systems' East Tasman campus in North San Jose.

  Usually we have only half of the conference center so you'll be directed
  right or left once inside to the side where the meeting is.  Directions on
  how to get there are listed at:


  We've tried our very best for these directions to be accurate.  If you
  have any improvements to make, please let our Web Team know!
  web-team at svlug.org


  If you take transit, be aware that almost everything has changed recently.
  The VTA light rail extension to Alum Rock is open now.  And the
  VTA 180 Express buses from Fremont BART now stop at VTA's Great Mall
  light rail station, making the transit trek from the East Bay easier
  than before.  Other bus routes and schedules have also changed recently.
  SVLUG's transit directions have been updated:


  If you arrive with the peak of the crowd, there may be a small line
  at the sign-in table, where Cisco's security will ask you to sign in.
  (The facility is Cisco's private conference center which is not usually
  available for public meetings.  SVLUG appreciates being given the rare
  privilege to meet here!)

  After the speakers end their presentation there is usually a Q&A session,
  time for job seekers and employers/recruiters to meet, and door prizes if
  any are provided to SVLUG.  When the meeting is over people are encouraged
  to chat a bit, but also to exit the building so Cisco can lock up.  Don't
  worry, a lot of us go to dinner afterward so there's plenty of time to chat
  outdoors or offsite.

We look forward to seeing you there!

If you just can't get enough, a smaller group usually goes to a local
restaurant/diner after the meeting.  We'll announce the restaurant
selection at the meeting.

----- End forwarded message -----


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