[vox] Fwd: TWiki Security Alert and TWiki Security E-mail List

Rod Roark rod at sunsetsystems.com
Sun Nov 28 08:10:29 PST 2004

Anyone using TWiki?  I received this email today:

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: TWiki Security Alert and TWiki Security E-mail List
Date: Sunday 28 November 2004 04:26 am
From: TWiki Security List <twiki-security at lists.sourceforge.net>
To: rod at sunsetsystems.com

Dear TWiki User,

We are emailing you about a high priority security vulnerability in 
TWiki. Known TWiki site administrators have already been alerted, and
a public security advisory has been sent out. However, we did not reach
all administrators, and we now know that some public TWiki sites have
been cracked.

[remainder snipped]


See http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/TWikiSecurityAlerts
for more info and patches.

-- Rod

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