[vox] Re: Linux at the Movies

Richard Ibbotson richard at sheflug.co.uk
Tue Nov 9 14:22:58 PST 2004


> Wow, cool that Robin and Gabrielle are visiting you guys.  Are they
> in the UK for other business, or just for your meeting?

As far as I know they decided to come over here after we offered to 
pay their expenses and give them a chance to have a short holiday.  
We aren't too bothered what they do either side of the presentation.  
Gives them a chance to get over the jet lag.   I've used the 
California to Heathrow leg myself a few times.  I know how bad it 
feels.  LAX or San Francisco international to London really wipes you 

But, you might know what the film industry is like ?  Wherever you go 
there's a deal in the offing.  A few days in London might produce 
something for them :)  We've asked a few well known people to come 
along as well as Members of Parliament...


Doesn't mean they'll turn up though :)

Anything to promote Linux and the fact that this is what turns out 
Hollywood blockbusters.  I think some financial people over here 
could do with some education in this kind of thing.  Either that or a 
brain transplant anyway :)



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