[vox] [fwd] DCNews
Bill Kendrick
nbs at sonic.net
Tue Nov 9 14:04:09 PST 2004
Here's the latest DCN newsletter. LUGOD's next two meetings are
mentioned! :)
----- Forwarded message from Richard Lowenberg <rl at dcn.org> -----
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 10:57:47 -0800
From: Richard Lowenberg <rl at dcn.org>
Subject: DCNews
To: dcn-news at dcn.org
Reply-To: dcn-admin at dcn.davis.ca.us
DCNews: Behind the Modem Lines
Published by Davis Community Network * Issue No. 11/04 *
November 9, 2004
Re-post where appropriate.
Subscribe and unsubscribe information at end of message.
In the Spotlight
DCN Community Calendar
DCN Mailman Class
Linux Users Group Meetings
About DCNews
In The Spotlight
Currently in the DCN Community Spotlight is the Yolo Hiker web site,
at: http://www.yolohiker.org
Log on to the web site for the new Fall 2004 through late Spring 2005
schedule of guided hikes in the Cache Creek, Putah Creek, Berryessa and
Blue Ridge areas of Yolo County and surrounds. Andrew Fulks and
friends have provided maps, photos and descriptive information on this
site, to help raise awareness of our regional natural places and
resources, for all to enjoy. Take a look, and join them on one of the
many scheduled hikes.
Every few weeks, the DCN web team chooses a new Davis-oriented web site
for the community spotlight. Spotlighted sites are featured on the DCN
home page. Good spotlight candidates are new or recently revised web
sites, ones that deserve more attention or have timely content. If
you've a suggestion for a spotlight candidate, please contact the web
team, msmosaic at dcn.org
DCN Organization & Community Calendar
DCNs Web Team has developed and is now offering a free web calendar
program for community groups and nonprofit organizations. The unique
offering is both an Organization Calendar and a Community Calendar.
As part of an organizations web site, the Calendar can list
organization events and schedules. Events of broader popular
interest, can be marked to appear on a Community Calendar, and can be
user searched by topics, such as arts, education, sports, and more.
Early users include the Explorit Science Center, a number of school
PTAs, and City of Davis.
To see examples, log on to the Community Calendar on the DCN home page
at http://events.dcn.org
If your group is interested in a free Calendar or in knowing more,
please contact rl at dcn.org
DCN Mailman Listserv Class
DCN will conduct a free Mailman listserv class on Thurs. Nov. 18.
This class is offered to assist community groups and organizations that
have requested and will be using this free DCN allocated community
Internet application.
If your group is already using or is interested in using DCN Mailman
listservs, and you need some help, this class is for you. To reserve
a class seat or to request one or more Mailman listservs for your
group, just contact rl at dcn.org
DCN classes are from 6:30-8:00 p.m., at the City Computer Lab, 600 A
Street (between City Hall and the Senior Center; enter courtyard off
south parking lot).
Linux Users Group Announcements
The Linux Users' Group of Davis (LUGOD) has two exciting upcoming
meetings scheduled. Both are free to the public, and may of interest
to some of you.
"The History of SourceForge.net"
Presented by: Patrick McGovern, Director, SourceForge.net.
Monday, November 15th, 2004, 6:30pm - 9:00pm.
at the Davis Public Library, 315 East 14th Street, Davis, CA 95616.
SourceForge.net is the world's largest Open Source software development
website, with the largest repository of Open Source code and
applications available on the Internet. SourceForge.net provides free
services to Open Source developers.
"Implementation of Open Source at the California ARB and FTB"
Presented by: Bill Fell, Harry Ng from the Air Resources Board,
and: Allen Lung from the Franchise Tax Board
Tuesday, December 7th, 2004, 6:30pm - 9:00pm
at Kemper Hall, Room 1131, UC Davis Campus, 1228 Bainer Hall Drive,
California's Air Resources Board and Franchise Tax Board have taken an
interest in Open Source Software (for example, see ARB's Open Source
Software Initiatives page: http://arb.ca.gov/oss/oss.htm ). This
presentation will be a non-technical discussion of the use of Open
Source in government.
For details on these meetings, visit:
About DCNews: Behind the Modem Lines
DCNews: Behind the Modem Lines is a free bi-weekly digital newsletter
providing DCN subscribers and any interested community members with an
easy way to stay abreast of DCN activities. We are a unique,
based, mostly volunteer non-profit organization whose mission is to
strengthen the community by helping people understand and benefit from
participation in the electronic information era.
DCNews: Behind the Modem Lines is a publication of Davis Community
To subscribe, go to http://www.dcn.org/dcn/
and fill out the short form at the bottom of the page.
To unsubscribe, send a message to: majordomo at list.dcn.org
with the following line in the body of the message:
unsubscribe dcn-news YourEmailAddress
Where YourEmailAddress is the email address you used to subscribe to
list -- this is also the address to which this message was directed.
Feel free to offer suggestions, comments, corrections and ideas by
to this message or to: rl at dcn.org
For more information about DCN please visit our web site at:
Material may be re-posted or reproduced for non-commercial use,
DCN is cited as the source.
DCN Virtually Useful Information:
OmSoft Technologies
1623 5th St., Davis, CA 95616
(530) 750-0101 or (530) 758-0119
DCNs ISP partner, offering:
tech support, accounting, new accounts, DSL and networking services:
(Just say DCN)
*(tech support email)
help at dcn.org
*(billing/accounting email)
billing at dcn.org
DCN Office
1623 5th Street, Davis, CA 95616
(530) 750-1170 ph.; 757-2938 fax
Executive Director: Richard Lowenberg
rl at dcn.org
----- End forwarded message -----
bill at newbreedsoftware.com New Breed Software
http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/ Tux Paint 0.9.14 is out!
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