[vox] [fwd] Got stuff to give away?

Nicole Carlson ana.ng at tmbg.org
Tue Nov 9 11:13:09 PST 2004

Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Seen on SVLUG...
>    Of late I've seen a few posts here in the group where people had old
> (to them) equipment or books to give away.  I'd like to present to all,
> a group that just might be the answer.  http://www.freecycle.org  

I second this.

I've had excellent luck getting rid of crap through freecycling.  I 
recently got rid of one of my backup towers, which found a happy home 
with a family that just wanted to check e-mail and didn't care that it 
was a P-233.

Besides, it's fun!  And environmentally sound!

--nicole twn

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